입학안내 - Admission
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Graduate School Admission Guidelines
Guidelines (English)
Guidelines (Chinese)
General Application Schedule Plan
1. Application Period: Spring Additional Session Recruitment 2025
6 Jan, 2025 (Mon)
~ 13 Jan, 2025 (Mon)
2. Application Deadline:
Application through postmail must be received by last day of submission, application process is available online.
(Submit to Graduate School Admission Office, except on Saturday & Sunday)
3. Interview:
21 Jan
, 2025 (Tue) 14:00
4. Result Announcement:
24 Jan, 2025 (Fri) 17:00
5. Registration Period:
27 Jan, 2025 (Mon)
~ 3 Feb, 2025 (Mon) 16:00
General Application Information
1. All submitted documents will not be returned. If any information is incorrect, admission will be cancelled.
2. If you have completed undergraduate/graduate program(s) in a foreign country and any of the required official documents is not in Korean or English, such document must be translated to Korean and duly notarized. (Please contact the Graduate School Admission Office for further information about this.)
3. An applicant will be allowed to apply to a graduate program that he or she has not majored in his or her undergraduate studies.
4. Applicants must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled interview and receive instructions at an assigned room.
5. Accepted applicants will receive separate instructions regarding registration and required documents.
6. If an applicant fails to meet any obligation during the registration period, admission will be cancelled.
7. Any other requirement(s) that is not stated above will be determined by the Graduate School Admission Committee.
8. The tuition fee must be paid by a bank in Korea to the student's 'personal virtual account number of KOOKMIN BANK.
★ Transfers to a virtual account are not possible unless the transfer amount exactly matches the tuition fee. When transferring tuition fees in dollars from an overseas bank, the exact amount may not be transferred due to transaction fees. (If the exact amount is not transferred, the KOOKMIN BANK system cannot transfer it to a virtual account, and the registration process cannot be completed within the specified period.
For more information, please contact
Han Hyeyoung
Graduate School of Hanseo University
E-mail : hhyoung03@hanseo.ac.kr
Office : +82-41-660-1151
Fax : +82-41-660-1159